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Cosplay Interview: Minty Poison

She's salty, sweet and addicted to all things cute and magical, no I'm not talking about the Power Puff Girls, it's the one and only Minty Poison; basically the anime version of a Sour Patch Kid. Minty a jack of all trades; hobbies ranging from cosplay, photography and graphic design, living in the rainy state of the Pacific Northwest. Cosplaying since 2007; Minty is no stranger in the creative field; her passion for illustration and design leaked into photography and is now dabbling in the world of Performing Arts and entering the fighting ring of competitive cosplaying. The art of cosplaying takes discipline, dedication, and of course the funds to back up the cost of materials as Minty said "...most of my life revolves around work, my husband, my cat, and the arts. If I'm not sewing like a mad woman chained to her sewing machine I'm watching too much anime, drawing, working, being lazy with my husband, or playing any video game that strikes my fancy."


Minty Poison: ShutterCrazy Photography

Before we jump into the interview; be sure to check out Minty on her social platforms! Cosplayer: Minty Poison Age: 26 FaceBook

Instagram Twitch Ano Nora: What was your "gateway drug" to the ever-expanding Anime Community? Minty Poison: I'd always been an anime fan thanks to my parents. The main thing that really drew me in when I was a kid was the amount of creativity. From the cosplay to the artists and musicians that wandered cons, I didn't have a single clue that so many creative people were into the same things I was. The sense of having a community at a younger age helped as well, I felt welcomed to join in on the fun, really helped to draw me in and feel connected to something.

Ano Nora: What was the inspiration behind your cosplay name? Minty Poison: I have a couple nicknames, but I'm mainly going by Minty or Minty Poison. I had someone commission a drawing from me on Gaia Online long ago with this username. I thought it was really cute and stored it away for a possible secondary name when my main name, Rhapsody, was taken on any given website I needed an account for. When I decided to start my cosplay page I didn't like the ring of Rhapsody Cosplay. Then I remembered my secondary back up name and loved the sound of Minty Poison Cosplay. I made my page with the name and everything else is history! Ano Nora: ​The cosplay community is endless; who are some of your favorite cosplayers that you draw inspiration from? Minty Poison: I have way too many! Some of my favorites include Vicious Cosplay, Dizzy Lizzy, Luna Lady of Light, JHart, Air Bubbles Cosplay, the Queens of Idol Hell (a group of amazing cosplayers) and Momma Sammu.

Ano Nora: ​Everyone has experienced some variation of hardships in the pursuit of creative expression; what hurdles have you had to overcome? Minty Poison: Through cosplay and my recent endeavor to market and get myself out there more, I've overcome the self-esteem issues that I've had most of my life. I've always had a very poor self-image of myself and my skills, but making cosplay competitively and just wearing a costume has for sure helped give me a boost in getting over these issues. Contests force me to look at the positives of my cosplays, my work, and my skills. Just walking out of my hotel room has helped my confidence in myself so that I can really own and love what I'm wearing. I have a ways to go, but I feel that this hobby and the community have really helped me to come out of my shell, something that I've never really been able to do.

Ano Nora: ADVICE, everyone's looking for it; some to shy to ask what words of knowledge and wisdom would you like to share with those reading? Minty Poison: Don't be afraid to talk to people or other cosplayers. No matter how much more skills they may have or how intimidated by them you are, we're all just nerds in costumes and nerds about costumes. I have yet to talk to someone who wasn't willing to offer advice when asked or at least talk shop and trade notes with me. I've made some amazing connections in the last year or two just by opening up and messaging someone before con or chatting with them on the con floor. Everyone starts somewhere. Don't give up just because you're brand new and maybe can't afford the best materials or don't have the skills to pull something off. It all comes with time, and the community has your back! This loops back into talking to people. If you see me walking and you have a question about how I did something, I'm always completely down to talk shop and answer questions and so are most cosplayers!

Minty Poison: Charlie Liu Photography

Ano Nora: Out of all the series you've seen; who are your favorite characters?

Minty Poison: Mami Tomoe from Madoka Magica. She's kind of the mom for the girls and that is basically me with my groups of friends! Ano Nora: You said earlier you're actively participating in competitive cosplay; out of all the cosplays you've created or worn which do you love most? Minty Poison: I'll cheat a little and answer both since one of these is retiring this year! My favorite cosplay so far to wear is my Pinkie Pie Grand Galloping Gala dress from My Little Pony. I always have a blast when I wear it and feel so dang confident in it! Not to mention my favorite thing about wearing her is helping kids come out of their shells when they see their favorite pony right in front of them! My best memories revolving around this cosplay are always where a shy child skips up or can even just get the courage to ask me for a picture of them. My favorite that I'd made has been Eevee for sure. It was a challenge at the time for me, but the tiny details most people don't notice are what makes it for me. The stones on the plate are actually hand painted with most being around the size of a pinkie nail, I made sure to include red thread around my bells like the original art, that the front tabard was hand painted. It was the first project where I took the time and made sure to get as many details down as I could and I feel it really paid off. Ano Nora: The world of cosplay is filled with so many wonderful people but it's not all rainbows and unicorns, what's you're biggest pet peeve in the otaku world? Minty Poison: I think it has to be body shaming, going either direction towards more plus size and also thinner or more fit cosplayers. Being a plus size cosplayer, I've gotten my fair share of hateful and shaming comments (either to my face or behind my back that has made their way back to me) or messages on my social media. I've also seen an uptick in cosplayers who do more sexualized or lewd cosplays getting quite a bit of flack and shame directed towards them for doing their thing. I got into this community because of the culture of acceptance, and it's both annoying and discouraging to see those comments.

Ano Nora: With nearly 10 years or experiences in the cosplay community which memory do you cherish most? Minty Poison: The first was during my first Wizard World 2014 in Portland. I was wearing my Pinkie Gala dress, and my friend and I were just ready to leave when I heard a tiny gasp from a table near us with a family resting. I looked up and this little girl waved at me with all her might. I waved right back with just as much excitement, which made her light up. She jumped out of her chair, grabbed her mom and started pulling. My friend needed to check her phone so the little girl had the perfect opening to march over and ask me for a photo. I agreed (I never say no to kids no matter what I'm doing or how tired I am in cosplay) and got down to her level. She latched on to me for the biggest hug I've gotten from anyone to date in cosplay and we posed for a picture. We said goodbye, she and her mom thanked me, and I had to shuffle off before I started crying, my heart was melting! The other experience was the whole of Kumoricon 2017. It was my first time back in three years to the con, and the cosplay bug had bitten me hard again and I pushed out a simple but fun cosplay to enter the contest. I had never felt more welcome, included, and yet humbled in any community ever. It was a fantastic first large con contest experience, the people I met and introduced myself to were so warm and inviting and helpful, and I was so glad to experience the con with old and new friends. Ano Nora: With so many conventions under your belt; which is your favorite? Minty Poison: My favorite con I think has to be Sakura-Con. For all it's faults and issues that I or others may have, it's my home con. I started going to Sakura Con in 2006 and it got me even deeper into anime culture and started me down the path I'm still on today. I've met so many great people through this con, and I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything. As far as a con I'd like to go, I want to make to Katsucon or an east coast con one day. I've never been to a con off the west coast and I'd like to experience the culture one day!


Cosplay and conventions, in general, are filled with hundreds of people that make up the diverse anime community; one giant family of nerds more or less a safe haven for so many people. Fans worldwide spend months of their lives dedicated to their craft while others spend thousands of hours immersed in the captivating worlds and experiences. Finding energy to do either means for many CAFFEINE Minty would agree "I'm highly addicted to caffeine, and if I look ready to fall asleep at any moment, I may need my next dose or be on my way to next fix."Until another time if you enjoyed getting to know Minty feel free to head over to any one of her social media sites and meet here at the next con as Minty said: "If you ever see me at conventions, I'm always open for chatting about fandoms or talking shop!"

Special thanks to Photographer Aaron Matthews, Shutter Crazy and Charlie Liu Photography.


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