Mankind has the ability to evolve, we hold within our power to achieve and become whatever we imagine for ourselves. The difference between where you started and where you want to be is hard work. The longer I spend online, the more strings I see connected. Everyone is within clicks of each other, an entire world filled with the reality we want to create and share. Creativity hides in the cracks of the giant ocean that is the wide web, chameleons of talent, art in all forms inspire everywhere. I want to share these hidden chameleons; as many creative individuals I can with others and continue the storm of inspiration.
Now if you're interested in being interviewed and hosted on my blog you've come to the right place. If you're teetering on the edge of "Should I or should I not." I'm here to tell you-you should! You don't need years of experience in your craft, you don't need to be well known or perfect; all you need is to be yourself! Interviews would be conducted via e-mail, I'll send an array of questions, write up the article and share/communicate with you the feature. If the article looks/works for you then I would publish the content to my site/blog.
Before we get started! Please send me an email with the information listed below and any questions you may have! I look forward to sharing your stories!
Link to your website/social media profiles:
What is your creative expression (Painter, Musician, Writer, Dancer, Streamer, Cosplayer, blogger etc.):
Alias/Name you go by: